CI/CD - Jenkins setup - multichoice questions

Question 1

Having backups of your Jenkins instance is critically important.

When backing up Jenkins, you should copy the entire Jenkins home directory (/var/lib/jenkins). This directory contains all the configuration files, job configurations, plugin settings, logs, and other essential data needed to restore Jenkins to a working state.

The controller key file ($JENKINS_HOME/secrets/hudson.util.Secret) is used to encrypt data in the secrets directory that secures credentials. This controller key file is encrypted by another key file ($JENKINS_HOME/secrets/master.key).

Never include the master.key in your Jenkins backup!

What is a recommended approach for securely storing a backup of Jenkins?

Question 2

Which of the below might be disadvantage(s) of Jenkins community plugins?

Question 3

When launching Jenkins as a Docker container, what is the default jenkins home directory?